Stock and Bond Market Visualizer


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Your Selections
Selected Index:
Time Period:
Use dividend adjusted prices?
Start date: Year:
End date: Year:


Price Evolution Over Time

Starting Price
Ending Price
Price Change – $
Return – %
Length of selected time period
Annualized Return


Returns by Year

Up & Down Years
# of Up Years (% of Total Years)
# of Down Years (% of Total Years)
Total # of Years


Daily Return Statistics

Up & Down Days
# of Up Days (% of Total Days)
# of Down Days (% of Total Days)
Total # of Days
Median Daily Returns
Median Return: Up Days
Median Return: Down Days
Median Return: All Days
Best and Worst Days
Best Single Day
Worst Single Day

Note: Days with a return of zero are not included in this analysis. This is so that Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays will be removed from the data set.


Distribution of Daily Returns

The chart above show the distribution of daily returns for the index you selected, and over the time period that you also selected. In general, you’ll see that the majority of days are clustered in the -1% to +1% range. However, more extreme positive and negative values can and do occur.


The What, Why, and How

What is this thing? This “Stock and Bond Market Visualizer” is a tool that allows you to explore the historical returns for some of the most important investment indices in the world.

Why should I use this tool? Sites like google finance are great for quickly finding historical market data on any index fund or individual stock. However, aside from prices, the information provided by google finance (and the like) is quite sparse.

This tool gives you a deeper look at the performance of key indices like the S&P 500 and TSX 60 by showing annualized returns, returns adjusted for re-invested dividends, returns by calendar year, and daily statistics.

How do I use this? If you came down here looking for an explanation of how to use this tool, shame on me for not laying it out in a clear enough fashion.

To use this tool, go to the “Your Selections” table at the very top of the page, and click in the boxes to make your selections for the stock / bond index that you’d like to view, the time period to be considered, and if you’d like to adjust the returns to include dividends as well. Once you’ve made your choices, the rest of the outputs on the page will update themselves accordingly. Everything is dynamic.

A final assortment of notes:


Investing 101

If you’re new to the world of investing, take a spin through these articles. You’ll learn about the power of compound interest, get familiar with the time-tested “couch potato” investment strategy, and will be guided through setting up an investment brokerage account and making your first trades online.

And once you’re up and running, you can use this investment portfolio tracking spreadsheet for a neat and tidy way to keep tabs on your money.


Header image credit: CFA Institute


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Comment Section

One Response to “Stock and Bond Market Visualizer”

  1. Krishikesh says:


    You stock & bond visualizer is very nice, and i would like to see this progressive line in it,
    Here is the example

    Hope to see this soon, Have a good day!

    Thanks & Regards,

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