Find out how much money you will receive from the Canadian retirement benefits programs (CPP and OAS).
List of free ATMs for Wealthsimple / EQ Bank customers in 40+ countries around the world
Historical investment returns by asset class for a wide set of investments -- including stocks / bonds in the U.S.,…
Tracking Canadian foreign exchange rates versus 26 major global currencies, with daily data from 2017 up until today
Tracking changes in Canadian prices (housing, food, transportation, etc.) from 1978 to 2024
This Canadian income tax calculator lets you quickly estimate your after-tax income, and provides comparisons across all provinces and territories…
Map of global wealth, showing the richest and poorest countries. Data on incomes, cost of living, and purchasing power across…
Tracking housing market affordability in Canada through home prices, incomes and mortgage rates. Data on 14 cities from 1999 to…
Tracking Canadian rent prices, incomes, and rental affordability by city -- over time from 1992 to 2022.
Measuring Canadian food price inflation using 110 grocery items. Prices over time, prices by category, and your personal inflation rate.