Auto-Pilot Engaged (Pay Yourself First)

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Auto-Pilot Engaged

I don’t know about you, but I can think of at least a few things I’d like to do rather than checking bank account balances, budgeting, and making trades in my brokerage account.

Fortunately, it’s possible to automate some aspects of the financial process. Think about this as flipping the “auto-pilot” switch on, so that you can spend less time and mental energy thinking about your money.

For me, I’ve settled into a rhythm of checking my account balances every couple of weeks (more out of curiosity than anything), and spending about a couple hours every 2-3 months to update my budgeting spreadsheet and make trades in my investment account.

I don’t feel stressed or burdened at all by this process. If you follow the steps below, I’m confident that it’ll be the same for you as well.


Pay Yourself First

“Paying yourself first” is an extremely simple and effective strategy that can help you meet your savings goals. The idea is that you spend what is left after saving, and not the other way around.

For example, let’s say your bi-weekly paycheck comes out to $1,500, and your goal is to save $300 out of each and every paycheck.

If you follow the pay yourself first methodology, you’d set up an auto-deposit for $300 on the day that your pay check comes in. This money could be directed to your emergency fund account, to your student loans, or to your investment brokerage account (whatever your goal is). In any case, this money is out of sight, out of mind.

With the $1,200 of your paycheck that remains after the auto-deposit, you’re free to spend that money however you choose. You don’t need to feel guilty if you order take-out or buy a new pair of shoes — as long as you manage to stay within your $1,200 budget, you’re good to go.

Save first, and spend what is left after saving.

The real power of this simple strategy is that you’ve managed to meet your savings goal without having to lift a finger or make any decisions. By automating your financial processes as much as possible, you give yourself the best chance of sticking with your plan in the long-run.

The alternative is to save what is left after spending. In that case, you’ll need to constantly monitor your purchases to make sure you’re not going off track. A night out with friends here and an impulse purchase there, and you might find that you’re short of your savings goal at the end of the month. Not fun, and not a recipe for success.

Pay yourself first, and you’ll make your life much easier.


Pre-Authorized Payments

Most companies that send you a bill on a regular basis will offer a “pre-authorized payment” option. By signing up for this, your bill will be paid automatically, without the need for you to manually log in and send your payment.

By doing this, you can stop worrying about missing a payment and being charged late penalties.

Personally, I’ve set up pre-authorized payments for my:

If you go down this route, make sure that you regularly review your credit and debit card statements. Watch out for any unusual charges on your statement.


Your Assignment


Moonshine Money: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Personal Finance

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2 Responses to “Auto-Pilot Engaged (Pay Yourself First)”

  1. Lloyd says:

    Finding this series to be a gift. Thank you! I will be recommending it to others.

    About your final sentence, I wonder if you’ve looked into Passiv as a way to automate through Questrade? I’ve just signed up and am looking into how it might work well for my situation.

    Thanks once again!

  2. Teddy says:

    To Canadian readers: Wealthsimple is also offering “Recurring Buy” feature 🙂 (good alternative to Questrade)

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